外资(欧美) 50-150人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
外资(欧美) 50-150人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品)
作为致力于“营养、健康与幸福生活”的世界领先公司,雀巢在中国有着长久的历史。早在1908年,雀巢就在上海开设了它在中国的第一家销售办事处,是最早进入中国的领先国际公司之一。1990年,雀巢在中国大陆的第一家工厂在黑龙江双城开始运营,并进行本地化生产。经过近20年的发展,如今雀巢在大中华区运营着二十一家工厂,在中国销售的产品中有98%以上在中国境内生产制造,这为13,000余名本地员工提供了富有竞争力的工作机会并大大促进了当地经济的发展与繁荣。雀巢在中国有诸多著名品牌,如“雀巢咖啡”、“雀巢成长奶粉”、“雀巢全脂奶粉”、“克宁”、“三花”、“力多精”、“能多健”、“能恩”、“纽纯素”、“雀巢麦片”、“雀巢冰爽茶”、“美禄”、“宝路”、“奇巧”、“五羊”、“脆谷乐”、“纤怡”、“鹰唛”、“雀巢牛奶公司”、“百福”、“普瑞纳”、“雀巢优活”、“雀巢深泉”、“美极”、“太太乐”和“豪吉”等。雀巢中国市场2008年销售额143亿元,是位于瑞士韦威的雀巢集团的子公司。雀巢集团是世界最大的食品和饮料公司,2008年全球销售额为1,099亿瑞士法郎。State of the CompanyBeing the world foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company, Nestlé has a long-established presence in China since it opened its first sales office in Shanghai in 1908. Nestlé was one of the first leading international companies to enter the Chinese market. In 1990 the company already started its local production by establishing its first factory in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang Province,China.Today, Nestlé operates 21 factories in the Greater China Region and employs 13,000 regular employees. 98% of NESTLé products sold in Mainland are locally manufactured.Well-known Nestlé brands marketed in the Greater China Region include: NESCAFé, NESLAC, NESPRAY, KLIM, CARNATION,LACTOGEN, NESTOGEN, ***, NUTREN, NESVITA, NESTEA, MILO, POLO, KIT KAT, CRUNCH, FIVE RAMS, CHEERIOS, FITNESS, EAGLE, DAIRY FARM, PAK FOOK, PURINA, NESTLé PURE LIFE, NESTLé DEEP SPRING, MAGGI, TOTOLE, HAOJI, etc. NESTLé Greater China Region, with 2008 sales of RMB14.3 billion, is part of NESTLé S.A. in Vevey, Switzerland - The world's largest food and beverage company with sales of CHF 109.9 billion.